nukacola's f/o lists <3

i am not comfortable sharing any of the characters marked with a star

Canonically dating

we're literally in love it has been stated it's real we're dating

  • Digger Harkness - DC ⭐⭐⭐

  • Gregor - Limbus Company ⭐⭐

  • Shane - Stardew Valley⭐

  • Randy Jade - Dialtown⭐

  • Mammon - Obey Me! ⭐

  • Gale - Baldur's Gate III ⭐

  • June - The Ssum ⭐

  • Jumin Han - Mystic Messenger

  • Monika - DDLC

Heavily implied

nothing's been fully confirmed but come on. come on everyone knows we're in love

  • Floofty Fizzlebean - Bugsnax ⭐

  • Deacon - Fallout 4 ⭐

  • Noble Four/Emile - Halo Reach ⭐

  • Wheatley - Portal 2

Canon crush

i am in love with them but it hasn't been confirmed if they like me back

  • Jeice - Dragon Ball

  • Midas - Fortnite


  • Freddy Fazbear - FNAF

  • Leviathan - Obey Me!

  • Don Quixote - Limbus Company

Good Friends

  • Yoosung Kim - Mystic Messenger

  • 707 - Mystic Messenger

  • Oliver Swift - Dialtown

  • Phonegingi - Dialtown


  • King Shark - DC

  • Karen Dunn - Dialtown

mainly adopted or simply family figures - none biological.


  • Asgore Dreemurr - Undertale

  • Toriel Dreemurr - Undertale

  • Lex Luthor - DC

Older Siblings

  • Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption

  • Noble Five/Jorge - Halo Reach

Younger Siblings

  • Luke - Obey Me!

selfships that don't quite fit the other categories for one reason or another

  • Satan - Obey Me! (TBD)

  • Heathcliff - Limbus Company (?)

  • Ginyu - Dragon Ball (Best Friend/Paternal Figure)

  • John Constantine - DC (Complicated)